Group members

Core Faculty

Steven Low's
research is currently directed toward the control and optimization of communication networks and the electricity grid. In the past, he has developed a duality model of network congestion control that helps understand the current internet congestion control algorithms, expose their deficiencies, and design more efficient ones. Currently, he is focusing on developing new algorithms and architectures for handling intermittency in the electricity grid.

Adam Wierman's research interests center around resource allocation and scheduling decisions in computer systems and services. More specifically, his work focuses both on developing analytic techniques in stochastic modeling, queueing theory, scheduling theory, and game theory, and applying these techniques to application domains such as energy-efficient computing, data centers, social networks, and the electricity grid.

Yisong Yue's research interests lie primarily in the theory and application of statistical machine learning. He is more generally interested in artificial intelligence. Currently, he is particularly interested in learning with humans in the loop, interactive learning systems, and spatiotemporal reasoning. In the past, his research has been applied to information retrieval, recommender systems, text classification, learning from rich user interfaces, analyzing implicit human feedback, data-driven animation, sports analytics, policy learning in robotics, and adaptive routing and allocation problems.

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